Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bobby and Mandy have decided to join our team. They have been approved by Team Expansion and have secured a two year lease on a house in Buipe.

We look forward to their coming. Their goal for coming is January 1st. There is much to do. They have a few more start up funds and monthly support to raise.

We would appreciate your continued prayers.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bobby and Mandy Graham have been with us a little over a week researching whether they would like to join our team. I took them out to the animal husbandry development which means walking through water so naturally we had to wear boots and Bobby and I had to carry our machetes.

We've had a good time getting acquainted and have been processing many questions.

Please pray with us for clarity for God will.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Four Gonja Baptisms

September 30th we had a real treat during our worship service. Sophia, Isaac's niece, had been sharing stories with Salu (top right). He came to church saying he wanted to become a follower of Christ. When we went to baptize him, Emmanuel (top left), Aziz (bottom left) and Emmanuel (bottom right, Isaac's oldest son) all decided to be baptized into Christ.

They are all Gonja and I can't wait to see what God will do as they share their faith with others.

May God be glorified!